To have or not to have a Swimming Pool…?

Erika Chaudhary
5 min readMay 10, 2021

If you are building a house in a hot country the questions to answer

Since I live in Spain swimming pool has always been a must. It’s always so nice to go for a dip in blue beautiful water when it’s sizzling hot. It’s amazing to swim with the sun in your face. However, having a swimming pool comes with a few commitments and requirements.

Before I lived in a villa with a swimming pool I’ve never realised what it entails to have a swimming pool. Do you know? I’ve learned the hard way. The pool we had was huge to start with. It was amazing at first because we had so much space to swim and play. It also was a huge thing to look after and time-consuming.

The Benefit of the Swimming pool

No brainer you have a party every day of your life by the pool. It’s the most relaxing way to hang out in your house. I used to hang out there after lunch or after a hard morning. Just put on your swimming gear and step into your ‘bliss’ by the pool. I had many afternoons like this. I often would go for a wake-up swim in cold water.

It was amazing. There are many proven benefits of swimming in cold water too. If you have a swimming pool, generally means you can have a pool party too as you’ll have plenty of space. My neighbour had many pool parties I enjoyed it from afar by…



Erika Chaudhary

I am a writer who learned to code! I write about personal experiences within a humanist and global context. Find me on Twitter & Instagram @erikachaudhary