Want to be Successful? Stop following coaches’ advice
There’s so many coaches out there! I often look at their profile and go on their YouTube channels and check their social media. What struck me the most is they all use the word ‘success’ or ‘how to be successful’ or ‘I will teach you how to achieve success’ and etc. There’s a few problems I have with it.
The definition of success
By claiming and making videos of ‘how to be successful’ the coaches assume they know what success means to me. How can they? There’s a massive assumption that a success is somehow, living your dreams, having lots of money, fame or something empty like that. I feel sorry for the word success because it’s been so abused by the coaches. It seems to me they are all selling me my own success to me without knowing what it is. They don’t know what I want. They assume by posting videos to show their expensive lifestyles this is what people want.
They claim it’s super easy
The world used to think you have to work hard and you’ll succeed at whatever you want. Now, the coaches claim if you live your truth or from your soul you will not need to work hard. It’s effortless. Money will follow you. They all say be authentic, be you and people will pick up your energy. It’s easy to be a millionaire.
I don’t believe it. I don’t buy into either. Why? Because it distorts all the values. If you enjoy what you do, will be easier but still you to have to work. The problem with “it will be easy” is as soon it’s hard people stop working; assuming it’s not from the heart and it’s not from the soul. If it was it would be easy. That’s the problem! Since when it’s bad to work hard? Working hard makes me focused, makes me better and makes me different. I want to work hard because that’s not that hard.
Success is individual
What success means to me doesn’t mean the same to my cousin. Therefore, the massive claims from the coaches on how to be successful is faulty! We cannot follow the same advice and have the same results in different fields. I can see how it can be universal because they all claim everything you do has to be from your heart, from within and your soul. We are all being brainwashed into what success is.
However, if I stop, and think, and listen to my heart I know the answer. I don’t need somebody to brainwash me into what a success is.
No one wants to be brainwashed. Why do we fall for these coaching programmes? I know the answer. Because we are all looking for a magic answer on how to quickly get lucky. We live in a world where the brands, fame and money rule our daily lives. We fall in a trap of wanting to have everything trendy and by doing that we become the same. We want to appear successful even though we are not doing what makes us truly fulfilled. We forget to focus on the health, the relationship, the parents, family and what matters. Instead we are being offered another “nutritious pill” so we appear to be healthy by making somebody else rich.