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Feminism is no Longer what it was Meant to be
The definition of feminism “the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes” somehow has been lost in today’s world. Yes, women gained equality but what kind? They go to work, look after the children, cook and clean the house…The amount of work that a woman does is crazy! How is this equality compared to a man who just goes to work and comes back home to watch football?
It has become a norm to see half naked women, with pumped up lips and fake eyelashes. The age of these young women to be is 15 year olds if not 13 years old. Since when feminism was meant to do that to young girls? 18 year old or something dancing half naked on a pole and it’s considered to be a norm and an expression of art. Maybe. Maybe I am too old fashioned.
When it becomes dancing for money half naked that’s no longer feminism today. It’s ok to want to be an actress — study theatre. Read Shakespeare plays. Go to plays. Learn about evolution of theatre. Be cultural. I am not ok with the girls wanting to be an actress so she can go to a Hollywood and be famous. That’s wrong.
When young girl’s (13 year old) the only aspiration is to become an actress and be famous this no longer is feminism. To me this has become a monster of “feminism”. We in our society, allow our young girls to “prostitute” themselves and be ok with…